Therapy Adjuncts

At City Kids we use a LOT of adjuncts in addition to your child's active therapy program.

Here are few that might come up...

What is Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT)?

CIMT, originally developed for adults who suffered from stroke, is now used with children with cerebral palsy, specifically those with hemiplegia. The method involves restraining a child’s non-affected arm in order to encourage use of the affected arm during all daily routines (dressing, eating, play, etc.). In theory, using the affected arm routinely will cause changes in the organization of the brain and will help the child to develop more efficient and effective movement patterns. Often a removable cast is used to place over the affected arm, but slings, socks, mitts, or other homemade products can be used as well. Research supports the original protocol, which requires the participant to wear the restraint at least 5 hours a day for 5 days a week. The intensity of the wearing schedule may be difficult for some to implement and modified routines have also demonstrated some success.

What is Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES)?

We like to call NMES the “tickle machine”. It is actually a device, in which small electrodes are placed over specific muscles to encourage activation. The device sends an intermittent current to the muscle in order to create a cycle of muscular contraction and then relaxation. The intensity of the current and the rate at which is fires can be modified to best fit the needs of your child. It is most commonly used to facilitate muscle contractions, strengthen muscles, sensory awareness and can be used all over the body.

What is the Handwriting Without Tears program?

The Handwriting Without Tears program is a handwriting program that follows a developmental sequence and multi-sensory approach to engage and motivate children to build handwriting skills. The program incorporates tactile, movement, visual, and auditory play into lessons the child learns the habits and skills required for writing. For more information, check out

What is a SPIO garment and how will it help my child?

SPIO stands for stabilizing pressure input orthosis. The SPIO is a lycra compression garment that provides deep pressure to the muscles, joints and skin, which helps to promote better body awareness and muscular stabilization. Some children find the input organizing, which may help to improve coordinated movement, attention, and ability for smoother transitions. The SPIO garments can be worn all day underneath your child’s clothes. For more information, check out

What are Theratogs?

Theratogs are another type of compression garment used for both biomechanical and sensory processing purposes. The dual-layered garment has foam lining that touches the skin and Velcro-sensitive material on the outside in which the straps can be appropriately sculpted to fit your child’s needs. Theratogs provide a gentle, prolonged external support to the body in order to facilitate better joint alignment and functioning. It also provides deep pressure and proprioceptive input which may help your child to develop better body-in-space awareness. For more information visit

What is Kinesiotape?

Kinesiotape is a latex free stretchy, elastic tape used for biomechanical correction and to activate/support weak muscles. Sometimes the therapist will apply it to align a joint and sometimes to assist a muscle with activation. It is used on all ages of children for toricollis, brachial plexus injuries, weakness secondary to cerebral palsy and poor alignment of joints with no diagnosis.